seca Module 452 Interface

From little things big things grow


Concept development
Industrial design (ID)


seca Deutschland

The task

Seca, the world market leader for medical scales, tasked us with the design development of a module that enables simple, low effort retrofitting of analog scales and measuring stations for modern digital networking. To transfer measured values to electronic health records via WLAN, the docking of the module onto various devices had to be quick and easy to setup. The schedule was tight, the demands high, and the design had to fit seamlessly into the company’s corporate design.

The solution

The focus of the design was on user ergonomics and the continuation and further development of the seca design language. We implemented a design process that was as effective as it was agile and also closely involved our customer’s stakeholders. The interface to the various analog devices was the trickiest part of the solution. We sketched a variety of ideas and built models very early on to validate the concepts and iterate them into resilient solutions. To avoid losing time when handing over the design to the engineers, we worked out the design in SolidWorks and handed over the native data to our colleagues in engineering.

The result was a modern module with a smart clip for mounting on various devices. The mount for a hand-held scanner was also added. The professional look and compact design make the add-on module a high-quality member of the seca product family.